Nano Materials Research Group

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

Selected Journal Articles:

11. Islam, MZ., Mahboob, M., Lowe RL. and Bechtel SE., 'On the Mechanical Properties of Defective Carbon Nanotube/Polyethylene Nanocomposites: A MD Simulation Study", Polymer Composites. August 2014 (DOI: 10.1002/pc.23182)

10. Islam, MZ., Mahboob, M., Lowe RL. and Bechtel SE., ‘Characterization of the Thermal Expansion Properties of Graphene Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations’,Journal of Applied Physics D, Volume 46, Issue 43, pages 435302, Novemeber 2013 (IOP Science). Impact Factor 2.5

9. Mahboob, M., Islam, MZ.,  Lowe RL. and Bechtel SE., ‘Molecular Dynamics and Atomistic Finite Element Simulation Studies of the Effect of Stone-Wales Defects on the Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes.’ Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, Volume 5, Issue 9, pages 941-951, November 2013. (ingentaconnect)

8. Mahboob, M. and Islam MZ.,  ‘Molecular dynamics simulations of defective CNT-polyethylene composite systems.’, Computational Materials Science, Volume 79, pages 223-229, September 2013. (Elsevier) Impact Factor 1.9

7. Miyazono, K., Kagarise, C., Koelling, K., Mahboob, M., Bechtel, SE., ‘Shear and Extensional Rheology and Flow-Induced Orientation of Carbon Nanofiber/Polystyrene Melt Composites’, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Volume 119, Issue 4, pages 1940–1951, 15 February 2011. (Wiley) Impact Factor 1.4

6. Kagarise, C., Miyazono, K., Koelling, K., Mahboob, M., Bechtel, SE., ‘A Constitutive Model for Characterization of Shear and Extensional Rheology and Flow Induced Orientation of Carbon Nanofiber/Polystyrene Melt Composites’, Journal of Rheology / Volume 55 / Issue 4, 2011. (Society of Rheology) Impact Factor 2.8

5. Mahboob, M., Kagarise, C., Koelling, K., Bechtel, S.,‘Quantitative 3D Measurement of the Nanostructural Features that Dictate Mesoscale Performance Properties of Nanocomposites’, Polymer Composites, Volume 31, Issue 9, pages 1495–1503, September 2010. (Wiley) Impact Factor 1.5

4. Kagarise, C., Xu, J. Wang, Y., Mahboob, M., Koelling, K.,Bechtel, SE., ‘Transient Shear Rheology of Carbon Nanofiber/Polystyrene Melt Composites’, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Volume 165, Issues 3–4, Pages 98–109, February 2010. (Elsevier) Impact Factor 1.6

3. Ahmadkhanlou, F., Mahboob, M., Bechtel, SE., and Washington, G., ‘An Improved Model for Magnetorheological Fluid-Based Actuators and Sensors’, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 21, No. 1, Jan. 2010, pp. 3-18. (Sage Journals) Impact Factor 1.5

2. Ahmadkhanlou, F., Mahboob, Bechtel SE and Washington G, ‘Experiments and Modelsof the Magneto Rheological Behavior of High Weight Percent Suspensions of Carbonyl Iron particles in Silicone Oil’, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 130, Issue 12, Dec 2008.

1. Mahboob M and Schiavone P, ‘Designing a Neutral Elliptic Inhomogeneity in the Case of General Non-Uniform Loading’, Applied Mathematics Letters 18 (11): 1312-1318 Nov 2005. (Elsevier) Impact Factor 1.4


Invited Talks:

2. 10th Intenatinal Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Polymer Composites- Prospects and Challenges, Dhaka, 2014.

1. ICOSEM 2013, Kualalampur, Malaysia, Effect of Vacancy and Stone-Wales Defects on The Shear Strength of Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Interfaces, 13 November, 2013.

Selected Conferences:

Mahboob,, M, Hasan, ABMTH, Das, DK, ‘Earthquake Resilient Infrastructure-Mechanical Perspective’, Comprehensive Disaster Management Programme (CDMP), Ministry of Food & Disaster Management, 13-14 Nov., 2010.

Mahboob, M., Ahmadkhanlou, F., Kagarise, C.,Washington, G., Bechtel, SE., Koelling, K., ‘Predicting magnetorheological fluid flow behavior using a multiscale kinetic theory-based model’, SPIE Smart Materials/NDE, San Diego, CA, March 8-12, 2009 (won award from CGS, OSU)

Christopher Kagarise, Monon Mahboob, Koki Miyazono, Stephen E. Bechtel, and Kurt W Koelling, ‘Transient Shear and Extensional Rheology and Nanostructure of Polymer Nanocomposites’, American Institute of Chemical Engineers 2008 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 15-21, 2008. (presentation)

Bechtel S., Mahboob M., ‘Measurement of the Nanostructural Features in Polymer Nanocomposites’, Society of Engineering Science 45th Annual Technical Meeting, Urbana- Champaign, Il, October 12-15, 2008. (presentation)

 Mahboob M, Bechtel S, Kagarise C, Koelling, K,’Measurements of 3-D orientation and 3-D orientation tensors in polymeric/nanofiber composites’, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Seattle, Washington, November 2007 (Presentation and paper)

 M. Mahboob and P. Schiavone, ‘Neutral Elliptic Inhomogeneity under General Non Uniform Loading’, Proceedings of CANCAM 2005, 20th Canadian congress of Applied Mechanics, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 378-379. (presentation)