The primary focus of the NMR group is the characterization of polymeric nanocomposites. We also study the behavior of electromagnetic smart materials and viscoelastic materials. The aim of our research is to bridge the information available at nano and macro levels. This will not only provide greater insight into the mechanism of materials under deformation but also provide industry with tools to design materials processing geared towards tailored material properties.
Research Projects:
Molecular dynamics modeling of thermomechanical characteristics of polymer nanocomposites 2011-Current, Funded by CASR, BUET
Modeling the Effect of Carbon Nanotube Curvature on the Mechanical Properties of Single-walled Carbon Nanotube Composites 2012- 2013, Funded by CASR, BUET
Carbon Nanofiber (CNF) polymer composites processing and manufacturing 2005- 2010, Funded by Air Force Research Lab Grant, Ohio State University
Modeling and Characterization of Magnetorheological (MR) fluids 2005-2010, Funded by Air Force Research Lab Grant, Ohio State University